Black History & Heritage Wolverhampton

Black History & Heritage Website
Welcome to Black History & Heritage Wolverhampton website in conjunction with Wolverhampton Black History Month.
The theme for Black History Month 2016 in Wolverhampton is ‘Health & Wellbeing’. This year in addition to promoting events with a specific focus on Black history,
we also highlight events focusing on Black people and Health..
Black History Month
Black History Month plays an important part in bringing people of all cultures together to move collectively towards our vision, by giving people in our community the opportunity to explore and learn more about Black History and Culture, more importantly the roles and contributions Black people have made in shaping the history of this country, which is often overlooked.
Black History Month has inspired other cultures and communities in Britain and around the world to follow suit. Today in the USA there is also Filipino American History Month, Irish-American Heritage Month, Puerto Rican Heritage Month, National Tibetan American Heritage Month, Jewish American Heritage Month and South Asian History Month. In Britain we have Gypsy & Travelers History Month, LGBT History Month and Anglo Sikh Heritage Week taking place annually in the month of September.
We encourage and invite people living in and outside Wolverhampton to support these events and in doing so, help in creating a cohesive society; where racism is not accepted nor tolerated; where everyone is treated according to their needs and rights and where cultural diversity is celebrated. We appreciate the time and effort people from the public, private, voluntary and community sectors have put into organising events for Black History Month and in producing this magazine.

This year’s Black History Month programme is sponsored by the University of Wolverhampton. We also acknowledge the support provided to the Black History Month Events Group this year, by the following organisations.
I would like to say thank you on behalf of the coordinating partners to those who work extremely hard to develop and make available black history resources and events.