Funny Bones

Funny Bones
Organiser: Newhampton Arts Centre
Friday 27th October 2017
Newhampton Arts Centre, Dunkley Street, Wolverhampton, WV 1 4AN.
Find your funny bone in these comedy workshops for children and young people led by professional actress and funny woman, Tonia Daley-Campbell. Find out what makes people laugh and discover your own unique funny style. Plus a chance to perform at the Funny Market on 29th Oct as part of the Funny Things comedy festival in Wolverhampton.
Funny Bones
Time :
Friday 27th October 2017
Newhampton Arts Centre, Dunkley Street, Wolverhampton, WV 1 4AN.
Time :
Age 5-10: 9.30am-12pm.
Ages 11-16: 1.30-4.30-pm
Cost: £4.00 (limited number of bursaries at £1)
Disabled Access: Yes
Open to Public: Yes
For further information contact Christine McGowan Tel: 01902 572090