Paul Walters
Paul Walters
Paul Walters, popularly known as ‘Lippy’ was a local pioneer in Dancehall culture. Paul began building a sound system whilst still at school. He set up the Skippa & Lippy Sound System in 1984.
Skippa & Lippy had an immediate impact from the start. Paul began to dominate the dancehall scene in Wolverhampton. He brought the sound system to towns and cities across Britain, including Birmingham, London and Manchester.

Paul brought about an evolution of the dancehall in Wolverhampton. His was the first reggae sound system in Wolverhampton to start playing African- American music alongside reggae. The result was a dancehall that became more popular and inclusive than at any time previously.
Paul was not only a DJ, he was perhaps the best dancer on the reggae dancefloor in Wolverhampton.
When he died in a tragic car crash, Paul was on the verge of making Skippa & Lippy Wolverhampton’s first truly international sound system. His legacy lives on today across music genres in Wolverhampton; and in the hearts of those who remember him.